Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Twilight and New Moon

Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga is quite addicting. It is a quick read in the sense that I did not want to put it down, but it did take quite a few hours to read each book (the first book was 498 pages and the second was 563 pages). I quickly became immersed in the story and read straight through the first two books in the series. ::edit - my review of the next to books is here::

**I tried to give little in the way of spoilers**

In a world where monsters are real, Isabella Swan moves to the small town of Forks in Washington. Her parents have been divorced since she was little and her stepfather travels between minor league baseball teams, trying to make it to the big leagues. Bella has decided that it would be best for her mother if she moved in with her father (whom she "affectionately" calls by his first name and usually only sees in the summers) so that her mother can travel with her stepfather. Forks really is a small town, so small that upon beginning classes in January, everyone knows her name. In the new school, Bella receives attention from most of the male population (an experience which is completely new to her). Bella's only male classmate that seems to resist the allure of the new girl is her lab partner, Edward Cullen. Edward intrigues Bella and she soon observes peculiarities in his nature. At a beach party with some classmates, Bella flirts with young Jacob Black, a boy from a nearby town, and learns the story of the Cullens.

New Moon
When the Cullens leave town, Bella is distraught for months. Her father picks up on her troubles, but Bella decides to prove that everything is okay. She calls up friends that she had abandoned in her distress in order to get out of the house. During a trip to Port Angeles, Bella realizes that if she purposefully puts herself into a dangerous situation, she will hear Edwards voice in her head trying to warn her and keep her safe. In order to make this happen more often, Bella acquires a pair of motorcycles and contacts Jacob so that he can fix them and teach her to ride. He becomes her best friend, but nothing in Forks is ever simple for Bella. The danger is real, and monsters exist in many forms. Who can Bella trust when her safety is on the line? And can she ever make the right choice between love and friendship without breaking someone's heart?

I still have yet to read Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, but I think I've picked my side in the Edward versus Jacob debate that I've heard about. Eclipse will have to say a lot if it has any chance of swaying my vote. And at 640 pages (according to amazon.com, possibly including a Breaking dawn preview, though I'm not sure), it does have a chance, though slight.

A-Z Challenge
completed - *Twilight - Stephenie Meyer*
completed - *New Moon - Stephenie Meyer*

1 comment:

The Book Girl said...

These are great books :-) Eclipse and Breaking Dawn are even better than New Moon, although Twilight is my favorite for the simple reason that it started it all. Who's side are you on? :-D