Monday, September 29, 2008

banned books

So I found a great blog about banned books week. (Gotta love the chick manifesto.) If you don't fall off your seat laughing, then you really don't care about people's right to read whatever they damn well choose. Well, that, or you don't have the same sense of humor as me...


Unknown said...

Aww thanks so much for linking to my post! I was told before I posted it that I had to make it more obvious that I was kidding, so I'm glad I got the point across!

Anonymous said...

You definitely had a bridal bouquet for dress up, and a veil. Maybe I'm wrong about the dress but there were definitely pieces.

Why aren't I on your "Blogs I Follow" list? (er... I'll add you to mine just as soon as I finish commenting here)

Banning Books Sucks! (As a librarian, that is my professional opinion.)

Mark's Bride: post coming soon.