Thursday, March 6, 2008

my Art is in the Verse

So I thought to myself "I miss writing poetry" and the lines just sort of came to me after 5 years of not writing.
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I want to be inspired
by a big lump of play-doh

squishing its ooey-gooey blueness
between my fingers

grabbing the yellow
and following the trend

What can I make?
What can I create?
What can I build?

I move on to my crayons and paper
A coloring book, this will be easy

nice and easy... there we go
that'll do it... Damn!
outside the lines

crumple the sheet and start anew

That didn't work
I Need something else
what can I try?

back to the trusty pencil and paper
write it down
the Adventure

I tried something new, but it never changes

pen or pencil
notebook or scrap paper

my Art is in the Verse