Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A-Z Challenge

Since I have free time for the first time this summer and I've been reading, I'm going to do the A-Z Challenge... of course, I'm reading book series(es?) so the author part will be limited, but I'm going to try to remember what I've read in last few weeks to put on here, and then add as I continue to read. The only problem is that technically, I don't know if books are supposed to count in both sections or if I'm to read 52 books to finish the challenge... hmmm...

F - Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of of the Sisterhood (Brashares)
G - Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood (Brashares)
S - The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Bradshares)
W - Wicked (Maguire)

B - Brashares (The Second Summer of the Sisterhood)
M - Maguire (*Son of a Witch* - currently reading)

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