Thursday, October 23, 2008

book reviews

So I have a bunch of books to review, but I have been getting caught up with working 40 hours per week and waking up way too early (I start at 8 and I called a company at 8:45 and was jealous that they didn't open until 9, but it also meant I had to call them back which was annoying... )

current read: Wednesday Night Witches - lots of smiling big moments and reading in the stairwell on my lunch break at work... oh, and some moments where I'm laughing like crazy, but I still haven't figured out the true purpose of the book (there's something going on but I won't read the back of the book to find out what). I've heard that the ending is bad or a let down, but I guess I'll find out soon. And before I review that, I will be reviewing a few Meg Cabot books and Elsewhere (I bawled like a baby)...

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